
public struct ConnectionProperties

ConnectionProperties structs represents the properties which are used to configure DB connection pool

Field Name Data Type Description Default Value
url string Platform independent DB access URL
dataSourceClassName string Name of the DataSource class provided by the JDBC driver
connectionTestQuery string Query that will be executed to validate that the connection to the database is still alive
poolName string User-defined name for the connection pool and appears mainly in logging
catalog string Catalog of connections created by this pool
connectionInitSql string SQL statement that will be executed after every new connection creation before adding it to the pool
driverClassName string Fully qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver to be used
transactionIsolation string Transaction isolation level of connections returned from the pool. The supported values are TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ and TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
autoCommit boolean Auto-commit behavior of connections returned from the pool true
isolateInternalQueries boolean Determines whether HikariCP isolates internal pool queries, such as the connection alive test, in their own transaction
allowPoolSuspension boolean Whether the pool can be suspended and resumed through JMX
readOnly boolean Whether Connections obtained from the pool are in read-only mode by default
isXA boolean Whether Connections are used for a distributed transaction
maximumPoolSize int Maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections -1
connectionTimeout int Maximum number of milliseconds that a client will wait for a connection from the pool -1
idleTimeout int Maximum amount of time that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool -1
minimumIdle int Minimum number of idle connections that pool tries to maintain in the pool -1
maxLifetime int Maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool -1
validationTimeout int Maximum amount of time that a connection will be tested for aliveness -1
leakDetectionThreshold int Amount of time that a connection can be out of the pool before a message is logged indicating a possible connection leak -1
datasourceProperties map Data source specific properties which are used along with the dataSourceClassName

public struct Parameter

Parameter struct represents a query parameter for the SQL queries specified in connector actions

Field Name Data Type Description Default Value
sqlType Type The data type of the corresponding SQL parameter
value any Value of paramter pass into the SQL query
direction Direction Direction of the SQL Parameter IN, OUT, or INOUT

public connector ClientConnector ( DB dbType , string hostOrPath , int port , string dbName , string username , string password , ConnectionProperties options )

The Client Connector for SQL databases.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
dbType DB SQL database type
hostOrPath string Host name of the database or file path for file based database
port int Port of the database
dbName string Name of the database to connect
username string Username for the database connection
password string Password for the database connection
options ConnectionProperties ConnectionProperties for the connection pool configuration


  • < ClientConnector > batchUpdate ( string query , Parameter[][] parameters ) ( int[] )

    The batchUpdate action implementation for SQL connector to batch data insert.

    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    query string SQL query to execute
    parameters Parameter[][] Parameter array used with the SQL query

    Return Variable Data Type Description
  • < ClientConnector > call ( string query , Parameter[] parameters , type structType ) ( datatable )

    The call action implementation for SQL connector to invoke stored procedures/functions.

    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    query string SQL query to execute
    parameters Parameter[] Parameter array used with the SQL query
    structType type

    Return Variable Data Type Description
  • < ClientConnector > close ( )

    The close action implementation for SQL connector to shutdown the connection pool.

  • < ClientConnector > select ( string query , Parameter[] parameters , type structType ) ( datatable )

    The select action implementation for SQL connector to select data from tables.

    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    query string SQL query to execute
    parameters Parameter[] Parameter array used with the SQL query
    structType type

    Return Variable Data Type Description
  • < ClientConnector > update ( string query , Parameter[] parameters ) ( int )

    The update action implementation for SQL connector to update data and schema of the database.

    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    query string SQL query to execute
    parameters Parameter[] Parameter array used with the SQL query

    Return Variable Data Type Description
  • < ClientConnector > updateWithGeneratedKeys ( string query , Parameter[] parameters , string[] keyColumns ) ( int , string[] )

    The updateWithGeneratedKeys action implementation for SQL connector which returns the auto generated keys during the update action.

    Parameter Name Data Type Description
    query string SQL query to execute
    parameters Parameter[] Parameter array used with the SQL query
    keyColumns string[] Names of auto generated columns for which the auto generated key values are returned

    Return Variable Data Type Description

public enum DB

The Databases which has direct parameter support.

Name Description
MYSQL MySQL DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:mysql://[HOST]:[PORT]/[database]
SQLSERVER SQL Server DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:sqlserver://[HOST]:[PORT];databaseName=[database]
ORACLE Oracle DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:oracle:thin:[username/password]@[HOST]:[PORT]/[database]
SYBASE Sybase DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:sybase:Tds:[HOST]:[PORT]/[database]
POSTGRES PostgreSQL DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:postgresql://[HOST]:[PORT]/[database]
IBMDB2 IBMDB2 DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:db2://[HOST]:[PORT]/[database]
HSQLDB_SERVER HSQL Server with connection url in the format of jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://[HOST]:[PORT]/[database]
HSQLDB_FILE HSQL Server with connection url in the format of jdbc:hsqldb:file:[path]/[database]
H2_SERVER H2 Server DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:h2:tcp://[HOST]:[PORT]/[database]
H2_FILE H2 File DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:h2:file://[path]/[database]
DERBY_SERVER DERBY server DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:derby://[HOST]:[PORT]/[database]
DERBY_FILE Derby file DB with connection url in the format of jdbc:derby://[path]/[database]
GENERIC Custom DB connection with given connection url

public enum Direction

The direction of the parameter

Name Description
IN IN parameters are used to send values to stored procedures
OUT OUT parameters are used to get values from stored procedures
INOUT INOUT parameters are used to send values and get values from stored procedures

public enum Type

The SQL Datatype of the parameter

Name Description
VARCHAR Small, variable-length character string
CHAR Small, fixed-length character string
LONGVARCHAR Large, variable-length character string
NCHAR Small, fixed-length character string with unicode support
LONGNVARCHAR Large, variable-length character string with unicode support
NVARCHAR VARCHAR: Small, variable-length character string
BIT Single bit value that can be zero or one, or null
BOOLEAN Boolean value either True or false
TINYINT 8-bit integer value which may be unsigned or signed
SMALLINT 16-bit signed integer value which may be unsigned or signed
INTEGER 32-bit signed integer value which may be unsigned or signed
BIGINT 64-bit signed integer value which may be unsigned or signed
NUMERIC Fixed-precision and scaled decimal values
DECIMAL Fixed-precision and scaled decimal values
REAL Single precision floating point number
FLOAT Double precision floating point number
DOUBLE Double precision floating point number
BINARY Small, fixed-length binary value
BLOB Binary Large Object
LONGVARBINARY Large, variable-length binary value
VARBINARY Small, variable-length binary value
CLOB Character Large Object
NCLOB Character large objects in multibyte national character set
DATE Date consisting of day, month, and year
TIME Time consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds
DATETIME Both DATE and TIME with additional a nanosecond field
TIMESTAMP Both DATE and TIME with additional a nanosecond field
ARRAY Composite data value that consists of zero or more elements of a specified data type
STRUCT User defined structured type, consists of one or more attributes