public struct HeaderValue
Represents an HTTP header value
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
value | string | The value of header | |
param | map | The param map of header |
public struct HttpConnectorError
HttpConnectorError struct represents an error occured during the HTTP client invocation
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
msg | string | An error message explaining about the error | |
cause | error | The error that caused HttpConnectorError to get thrown | |
stackTrace | StackFrame[] | Represents the invocation stack when HttpConnectorError is thrown | |
statusCode | int | HTTP status code |
public struct Options
Options struct represents options to be used for HTTP client invocation
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
port | int | Port number of the remote service | |
endpointTimeout | int | Endpoint timeout value in millisecond (default value: 60000 milliseconds) | 60000 |
maxActiveConnections | int | The maximum number of active connections the connector can create (default value: -1, indicates that the number of connections is not restricted) | -1 |
keepAlive | boolean | Keep the connection or close it (default value: true) | true |
transferEncoding | string | The types of encoding applied to the request (default value: chunking) | chunking |
chunking | string | The chunking behaviour of the request | auto |
httpVersion | string | The version of HTTP outbound request | |
followRedirects | FollowRedirects | Redirect related options | |
ssl | SSL | SSL/TLS related options | |
retryConfig | Retry | Retry related options | |
proxy | Proxy | Proxy server related options |
public struct Request
Represents an HTTP request message
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
remoteHost | string | host: The server host name | |
port | int | The server port | |
path | string | Resource path of request URI | |
method | string | HTTP request method | |
httpVersion | string | The version of HTTP | |
userAgent | string | User-Agent request header | |
restUriPostFix | string | host: The server host name | |
headers | map | Request headers |
< Request > addHeader ( string headerName , string headerValue )
Adds the specified key/value pair as an HTTP header to the request
Parameter Name Data Type Description headerName string The header name headerValue string The header value -
< Request > createSessionIfAbsent ( ) ( Session )
Gets the Session struct for a valid session cookie from the request. Otherwise creates a new Session struct.
Return Variable Data Type Description Session -
< Request > expects100Continue ( ) ( boolean )
Checks whether the client expects a 100-continue response.
Return Variable Data Type Description boolean -
< Request > getBinaryPayload ( ) ( blob )
Gets the request payload in blob format
Return Variable Data Type Description blob -
< Request > getContentLength ( ) ( int )
Gets the Content-Length header from the request
Return Variable Data Type Description int -
< Request > getFormParams ( ) ( map )
Gets the form parameters from the HTTP request as a map
Return Variable Data Type Description map -
< Request > getHeader ( string headerName ) ( HeaderValue )
Gets a transport header from the request
Parameter Name Data Type Description headerName string The header name Return Variable Data Type Description HeaderValue -
< Request > getHeaders ( string headerName ) ( HeaderValue[] )
Gets transport headers from the request
Parameter Name Data Type Description headerName string The header name Return Variable Data Type Description HeaderValue[] -
< Request > getJsonPayload ( ) ( json )
Gets the request payload in JSON format
Return Variable Data Type Description json -
< Request > getMethod ( ) ( string )
Gets the HTTP method from the request
Return Variable Data Type Description string -
< Request > getProperty ( string propertyName ) ( string )
Retrieves the named property from the request
Parameter Name Data Type Description propertyName string The name of the property Return Variable Data Type Description string -
< Request > getQueryParams ( ) ( map )
Gets the query parameters from the HTTP request as a map
Return Variable Data Type Description map -
< Request > getRequestURL ( ) ( string )
Gets the request URL from the request
Return Variable Data Type Description string -
< Request > getSession ( ) ( Session )
Gets the Session struct from the request if it is present
Return Variable Data Type Description Session -
< Request > getStringPayload ( ) ( string )
Gets the request payload as a string
Return Variable Data Type Description string -
< Request > getXmlPayload ( ) ( xml )
Gets the request payload in XML format
Return Variable Data Type Description xml -
< Request > removeAllHeaders ( )
Removes all transport headers from the message
< Request > removeHeader ( string key )
Removes a transport header from the request
Parameter Name Data Type Description key string The header name -
< Request > setBinaryPayload ( blob payload )
Sets a blob as the request payload
Parameter Name Data Type Description payload blob The blob representation of the message payload -
< Request > setHeader ( string headerName , string headerValue )
Sets the value of a transport header
Parameter Name Data Type Description headerName string The header name headerValue string The header value -
< Request > setJsonPayload ( json payload )
Sets a JSON as the request payload
Parameter Name Data Type Description payload json The JSON payload to be -
< Request > setProperty ( string propertyName , string propertyValue )
Sets a request property
Parameter Name Data Type Description propertyName string The name of the property propertyValue string The value of the property -
< Request > setStringPayload ( string payload )
Sets a string as the request payload
Parameter Name Data Type Description payload string The payload to be set to the request as a string -
< Request > setXmlPayload ( xml payload )
Sets an XML as the payload
Parameter Name Data Type Description payload xml The XML payload object
public struct Response
Represents an HTTP response message
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
statusCode | int | The response status code | |
reasonPhrase | string | The status code reason phrase | |
server | string | The server header | |
headers | map | Response headers |
< Response > addHeader ( string headerName , string headerValue )
Adds the specified key/value pair as an HTTP header to the response
Parameter Name Data Type Description headerName string The header name headerValue string The header value -
< Response > forward ( Response resp ) ( HttpConnectorError )
Forwards client service response directly to the caller.
Parameter Name Data Type Description resp Response The new instance of the response message Return Variable Data Type Description HttpConnectorError -
< Response > getBinaryPayload ( ) ( blob )
Gets the response payload in blob format
Return Variable Data Type Description blob -
< Response > getContentLength ( ) ( int )
Gets the length of the response payload, as given in the Content-Length header of the response
Return Variable Data Type Description int -
< Response > getHeader ( string headerName ) ( HeaderValue )
Gets the named HTTP header from the response
Parameter Name Data Type Description headerName string The header name Return Variable Data Type Description HeaderValue -
< Response > getHeaders ( string headerName ) ( HeaderValue[] )
Gets the HTTP headers from the response
Parameter Name Data Type Description headerName string The header name Return Variable Data Type Description HeaderValue[] -
< Response > getJsonPayload ( ) ( json )
Gets the response payload in JSON format
Return Variable Data Type Description json -
< Response > getProperty ( string propertyName ) ( string )
Retrieve a response property
Parameter Name Data Type Description propertyName string The name of the property Return Variable Data Type Description string -
< Response > getStatusCode ( ) ( int )
Gets the HTTP status code from the response
Return Variable Data Type Description int -
< Response > getStringPayload ( ) ( string )
Gets the response payload as a string
Return Variable Data Type Description string -
< Response > getXmlPayload ( ) ( xml )
Gets the response payload in XML format
Return Variable Data Type Description xml -
< Response > removeAllHeaders ( )
Removes all transport headers from the response
< Response > removeHeader ( string key )
Removes a transport header from the response
Parameter Name Data Type Description key string The header name -
< Response > send ( ) ( HttpConnectorError )
Sends outbound response to the caller.
Return Variable Data Type Description HttpConnectorError -
< Response > send100Continue ( ) ( HttpConnectorError )
Sends a 100-continue response to the client.
Return Variable Data Type Description HttpConnectorError -
< Response > setBinaryPayload ( blob payload )
Sets a blob as the response payload
Parameter Name Data Type Description payload blob The blob representation of the message payload -
< Response > setHeader ( string key , string value )
Sets the value of a transport header
Parameter Name Data Type Description key string The header name value string The header value -
< Response > setJsonPayload ( json payload )
Sets a JSON as the response payload
Parameter Name Data Type Description payload json The JSON payload object -
< Response > setProperty ( string propertyName , string propertyValue )
Sets a response property
Parameter Name Data Type Description propertyName string The name of the property propertyValue string The value of the property -
< Response > setReasonPhrase ( string reasonPhrase )
Sets a custom HTTP Reason phrase
Parameter Name Data Type Description reasonPhrase string Reason phrase value -
< Response > setStatusCode ( int statusCode )
Sets the HTTP status code of the response
Parameter Name Data Type Description statusCode int HTTP status code -
< Response > setStringPayload ( string payload )
Sets a string as the response payload
Parameter Name Data Type Description payload string The string payload to be set -
< Response > setXmlPayload ( xml payload )
Sets an XML as the response payload
Parameter Name Data Type Description payload xml The XML payload object
public struct Session
Represents an HTTP Session
< Session > getAttribute ( string attributeKey ) ( any )
Gets the named session attribute
Parameter Name Data Type Description attributeKey string HTTP session attribute key Return Variable Data Type Description any -
< Session > getAttributeNames ( ) ( string[] )
Gets the session attribute names
Return Variable Data Type Description string[] -
< Session > getAttributes ( ) ( map )
Gets the session attribute key value pairs as a map
Return Variable Data Type Description map -
< Session > getCreationTime ( ) ( int )
Gets the session creation time
Return Variable Data Type Description int -
< Session > getId ( ) ( string )
Gets the session cookie ID
Return Variable Data Type Description string -
< Session > getLastAccessedTime ( ) ( int )
Gets the last time the sessions was accessed
Return Variable Data Type Description int -
< Session > getMaxInactiveInterval ( ) ( int )
Gets maximum inactive interval for the session. The session expires after this time period.
Return Variable Data Type Description int -
< Session > invalidate ( )
Invalidates the session and it will no longer be accessible from the request
< Session > isNew ( ) ( boolean )
Checks whether the given session is a newly created session or an existing session
Return Variable Data Type Description boolean -
< Session > removeAttribute ( string attributeKey )
Remove the named session attribute
Parameter Name Data Type Description attributeKey string Session attribute key -
< Session > setAttribute ( string attributeKey , any attributeValue )
Sets the specified key/value pair as a session attribute
Parameter Name Data Type Description attributeKey string Session attribute key attributeValue any Session attribute Value -
< Session > setMaxInactiveInterval ( int timeInterval )
Sets the maximum inactive interval for the session. The session expires after this time period.
Parameter Name Data Type Description timeInterval int Session max inactive interval
public connector HttpClient ( string serviceUri , Options connectorOptions )
Http client connector for outbound HTTP requests
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
serviceUri | string | Url of the service |
connectorOptions | Options | connector options |
< HttpClient > delete ( string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
The DELETE action implementation of the HTTP connector
Parameter Name Data Type Description path string Resource path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError -
< HttpClient > execute ( string HTTPVerb , string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
Invokes an HTTP call with the specified HTTP verb.
Parameter Name Data Type Description HTTPVerb string HTTP verb value path string Resource path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError -
< HttpClient > forward ( string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
forward action can be used to invoke an HTTP call with incoming request HTTPVerb
Parameter Name Data Type Description path string Request path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError -
< HttpClient > get ( string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
GET action implementation of the HTTP Connector
Parameter Name Data Type Description path string Request path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError -
< HttpClient > head ( string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
The HEAD action implementation of the HTTP Connector.
Parameter Name Data Type Description path string Resource path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError -
< HttpClient > options ( string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
OPTIONS action implementation of the HTTP Connector
Parameter Name Data Type Description path string Request path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError -
< HttpClient > patch ( string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
The PATCH action implementation of the HTTP Connector.
Parameter Name Data Type Description path string Resource path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError -
< HttpClient > post ( string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
The POST action implementation of the HTTP Connector.
Parameter Name Data Type Description path string Resource path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError -
< HttpClient > put ( string path , Request req ) ( Response , HttpConnectorError )
The PUT action implementation of the HTTP Connector.
Parameter Name Data Type Description path string Resource path req Request An HTTP Request struct Return Variable Data Type Description Response HttpConnectorError
public annotation configuration
Configuration for HTTP service
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
host | string | Host of the service |
port | int | Port number of the service |
httpsPort | int | HTTPS port number of service |
basePath | string | Service base path |
keyStoreFile | string | File path to keystore file |
keyStorePassword | string | The keystore password |
trustStoreFile | string | File path to truststore file |
trustStorePassword | string | The truststore password |
sslVerifyClient | string | The type of client certificate verification |
certPassword | string | The certificate password |
sslEnabledProtocols | string | SSL/TLS protocols to be enabled |
ciphers | string | List of ciphers to be used |
sslProtocol | string | The SSL protocol version |
allowOrigins | string[] | The array of origins with which the response is shared by the service |
allowCredentials | boolean | Specifies whether credentials are required to access the service |
allowMethods | string[] | The array of allowed methods by the service |
allowHeaders | string[] | The array of allowed headers by the service |
maxAge | int | The maximum duration to cache the preflight from client side |
exposeHeaders | string[] | The array of allowed headers which are exposed to the client |
keepAlive | boolean | |
transferEncoding | string | The types of encoding applied to the response |
chunking | string | The chunking behaviour of the response |
webSocket | webSocket | Annotation to define HTTP to WebSocket upgrade |
public annotation resourceConfig
Configuration for HTTP resource
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
methods | string[] | The array of allowed HTTP methods |
path | string | The path of resource |
consumes | string[] | The media types which are accepted by resource |
produces | string[] | The media types which are produced by resource |
allowOrigins | string[] | The array of origins with which the response is shared by the resource |
allowCredentials | boolean | Specifies whether credentials are required to access the resource |
allowMethods | string[] | The array of allowed methods by the resource |
allowHeaders | string[] | The array of allowed headers by the resource |
maxAge | int | The duration to cache the preflight from client side |
exposeHeaders | string[] | The array of allowed headers which are exposed to the client |
public annotation webSocket
Annotation to upgrade connection from HTTP to WS in the same base path.
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
upgradePath | string | Upgrade path for the WebSocket service from HTTP to WS. |
serviceName | string | Name of the WebSocket service where the HTTP service should upgrade to. |