ballerina.file package
public struct AccessDeniedError
Represents an error which occurs when attempting to perform operations on a file without the required privileges.
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
msg | string | The error message | |
cause | error | The error which caused the access denied error | |
stackTrace | StackFrame[] | The stack trace of the error |
public struct File
Represents a file in the file system and can perform various file operations on this.
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
path | string | The path of the file |
< File > close ( )
Closes a given file and its stream
< File > createNewFile ( ) ( boolean , AccessDeniedError , IOError )
Creates a new file given by the path in the File struct
Return Variable Data Type Description boolean AccessDeniedError IOError -
< File > delete ( )
Deletes a file from a given location
< File > exists ( ) ( boolean )
Checks whether the file exists
Return Variable Data Type Description boolean -
< File > getModifiedTime ( ) ( Time , AccessDeniedError , IOError )
Returns the last modified time of the file
Return Variable Data Type Description Time AccessDeniedError IOError -
< File > getName ( ) ( string )
Returns the name of the file
Return Variable Data Type Description string -
< File > isDirectory ( ) ( boolean )
Checks whether the file is a directory
Return Variable Data Type Description boolean -
< File > isReadable ( ) ( boolean )
Checks whether the user has read access to the file
Return Variable Data Type Description boolean -
< File > isWritable ( ) ( boolean )
Checks whether the user has write access to the file
Return Variable Data Type Description boolean -
< File > list ( ) ( File[] , AccessDeniedError , IOError )
Lists the files in the specified directory
Return Variable Data Type Description File[] AccessDeniedError IOError -
< File > mkdirs ( ) ( boolean , AccessDeniedError , IOError )
Creates the directory structure specified by the file struct
Return Variable Data Type Description boolean AccessDeniedError IOError -
< File > open ( string accessMode )
Retrieves the stream from a local file
Parameter Name Data Type Description accessMode string The file access mode used when opening the file -
< File > openChannel ( string accessMode ) ( ByteChannel )
Function to return a ByteChannel related to the file. This ByteChannel can then be used to read/write from/to the file.
Parameter Name Data Type Description accessMode string Specifies whether the file should be opened for reading or writing (r/w) Return Variable Data Type Description ByteChannel
public struct FileNotFoundError
Represents an error which occurs when attempting to perform operations on a non-existent file.
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
msg | string | The error message | |
cause | error | The error which caused the file not found error | |
stackTrace | StackFrame[] | The stack trace of the error |
public struct FileNotOpenedError
Represents an error which occurs when attempting to perform operations on a file without opening it.
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
msg | string | The error message | |
cause | error | The error which caused the file not opened error | |
stackTrace | StackFrame[] | The stack trace of the error |
public struct IOError
Represents an I/O error which could occur when processing a file.
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
msg | string | The error message | |
cause | error | The error which caused the I/O error | |
stackTrace | StackFrame[] | The stack trace of the error |
public function copy ( File source , File destination )
Copies a file from a given location to another
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
source | File | File/Directory that should be copied |
destination | File | Destination directory or path to which the source should be copied |
public function move ( File target , File destination )
Moves a file from a given location to another
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
target | File | File/Directory that should be moved |
destination | File | Location where the File/Directory should be moved to |
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
R | string | The Read access mode |
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
W | string | The Write access mode |
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
RW | string | The Read Write access mode |
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
A | string | The Append access mode |
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
RA | string | The Read Append access mode |