ballerina.task package
public function scheduleAppointment ( function()returns(error) onTrigger , function(error) onError , string scheduleCronExpression ) ( string taskId , error e )
Schedules an appointment task
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
onTrigger | function()returns(error) | The function which gets called when the appointment falls due |
onError | function(error) | The function that gets called if the onTrigger function returns an error |
scheduleCronExpression | string | Specifies the Cron expression of the schedule |
public function scheduleTimer ( function()returns(error) onTrigger , function(error) onError , struct {int delay, int interval} schedule ) ( string taskId , error e )
Schedules a timer task
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
onTrigger | function()returns(error) | The function which gets called when the timer goes off |
onError | function(error) | The function that gets called if the onTrigger function returns an error |
schedule | struct {int delay, int interval} | Specifies the initial delay and interval of the timer task |
public function stopTask ( string taskID ) ( error )
Stops the timer task with ID taskID
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
taskID | string | The unique ID of the timer task that has to be stopped |