ballerina.test package
public struct AssertError
The error struct for assertion errors
Field Name | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
msg | string | The assertion error message | |
cause | error | The assertion error message | |
stackTrace | StackFrame[] | The assertion error message | |
category | string | The assertion error message |
public function assertBooleanEquals ( boolean actual , boolean expected , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given boolean values are equal. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
actual | boolean | Actual boolean value |
expected | boolean | Expected boolean value |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertFail ( string errorMessage )
Assert failure is triggered based on user discretion. AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertFalse ( boolean condition , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given condition is false. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
condition | boolean | Boolean condition to evaluate |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertFloatArrayEquals ( float[] actual , float[] expected , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given float arrays are equal. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage including differed float values and array index.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
actual | float[] | Actual float array |
expected | float[] | Expected float array |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertFloatEquals ( float actual , float expected , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given float values are equal. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
actual | float | Actual float value |
expected | float | Expected float value |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertIntArrayEquals ( int[] actual , int[] expected , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given integer arrays are equal. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage including differed integer values and array index.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
actual | int[] | Actual integer array |
expected | int[] | Expected integer array |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertIntEquals ( int actual , int expected , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given integer values are equal. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
actual | int | Actual integer value |
expected | int | Expected integer value |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertStringArrayEquals ( string[] actual , string[] expected , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given string arrays are equal. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage including differed string values and array index.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
actual | string[] | Actual string array |
expected | string[] | Expected string array |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertStringEquals ( string actual , string expected , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given string values are equal. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
actual | string | Actual string value |
expected | string | Expected string value |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function assertTrue ( boolean condition , string errorMessage )
Asserts whether the given condition is true. If it is not, a AssertError is thrown with the given errorMessage
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
condition | boolean | Boolean condition to evaluate |
errorMessage | string | Assertion error message |
public function createBallerinaError ( string errorMessage , string category ) ( AssertError )
Creates an AssertError with custom message and category
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
errorMessage | string | Custom message for the ballerina error |
category | string | error category |
public function startService ( string serviceName ) ( string )
Starts the service specified in the 'serviceName' argument
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
serviceName | string | Name of the service to start |