ballerina.log package

public function printDebug ( string msg )

Logs the specified value at DEBUG level.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
msg string The message to be logged

public function printError ( string msg )

Logs the specified message at ERROR level.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
msg string The message to be logged

public function printErrorCause ( string msg , error err )

Logs the specified message at ERROR level, along with an accompanying error.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
msg string The message to be logged.
err error The error struct to be logged

public function printInfo ( string msg )

Logs the specified message at INFO level.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
msg string The message to be logged.

public function printTrace ( string msg )

Logs the specified message at TRACE level.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
msg string The message to be logged

public function printWarn ( string msg )

Logs the specified message at WARN level.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
msg string The message to be logged